Timebank Raglan

We're connecting people one hour at a time!

Timebank Raglan

We're connecting people one hour at a time!


Wi Neera St Community Garden Working Bee

3pm to 4.30pm Tuesday 23 July Wi Neera St behind the Police Station

July is cold but there are still tasks we can do in the garden Late sowings of broad beans can be made Sow main season onions Raise seedlings under cover Prune fruit trees Prepare vegetable gardens for planting Chit potatoes Harvest broccoli, cabbage, kale, lettuces, silverbeet, yacon. Compost care The regular working bees happen every second and fourth Tuesday of the month.

Please do bring a hat, shoes, and gloves if you like wearing them. We have water and picnic seating onsite. The Wi Neera Street community garden is an educational and recreational space where people can learn from each other, and learn by doing. Gardeners of all experience levels and abilities are welcome. No commitment necessary, come for a look and a chat if you like and hopefully you'll leave with more gardening know-how and, perhaps some spare produce. The regular working bees happen every second and fourth Tuesday of the month.

Coffee Catch up for July

Grab your favourite beverage and join us for a catch up!

If you want some help navigating the new TimeBank website bring your device and we will help you along.

Tania will bring the TimeBank library. The library has an interesting range of books about timebanking and complimentary currencies. These books are available for TimeBankers to borrow.

When: 10:30am Friday 26 July Where: Orca Bar and Eatery

Meet friends, make new ones, share ideas.

If you know anyone interested in Timebank, bring them along!

Sunday Times For July

💡 Don’t Be Left in the Dark! Technologies, tips and tricks to help you through the next powercut.

đź“… When? Sunday, July 28, from 3pm to 5pm đź“Ť Where? At the lovely home of Annie Cochrane, 32 Taipari Ave, Raglan West

Come and engage in a relaxed conversation on how to not just survive but thrive during the next power cut. Bring along your favourite hacks for keeping warm, cooking, lighting, and more. We’re also fortunate to have some local experts who will enlighten us about useful electronics and generators. Feel free to bring:

A friend (the more, the merrier! 🥳) A treat to share (because who doesn’t love treats? 🍪) A beverage of your choice, alcoholic or not (cheers! 🥂)

Hope to see you there!

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About Timebank Raglan

Raglan Timebank began in 2012 to enable everyone in Whaingaroa to have access to the help and resources they need. Timebank connects groups and individuals amongst the community group so they can swap skills, time, resources and get involved in events, without the use of having to exchange money in the process. Raglan Timebank is open to all ages and abilities, and everyone's time is of equal value.

Our Vision and Mission

Our Vision: building vibrant resilient and actively connected communities through complementary economic systems. Building healthy communities!

Our Mission: Timebank Raglan promotes resilience and wellbeing in our community by connecting people and creating opportunities for them to share and swap skills, time and resources.

Core values that underpin all activity:

  • We are all assets. Everyone is valuable and has something to offer
  • Redefining work - that is valuing the often unpaid and unseen work that creates a caring and compassionate community
  • Reciprocity - the flow of both giving and receiving
  • Social networks - the value and importance of a connected community
  • Respect

Intoducing our new timebanking software called Time and Talents.

Now is a great time to check it out!

A few notes

  • You will be asked to accept the terms and conditions and TimeBank Raglan’s code of conduct.
  • Information from your previous Timebank account (including your profile details, number of time credits etc) is available on the new site.
  • Please take this opportunity to check your profile and update as needed. Note in a few cases the photos didn't transfer over. Your profile is in the top right-hand corner of the page once you've logged in.

Here are more helpful videos

Time and Talents v2.0 Welcome and Overview

Time and Talents v2 Editing your profile

Time and Talents v2 Listing an offer or request

Time and Talents v2 Announcements

All new things take a bit of getting used to so please do sign in and have a play around. You'll see most things are familiar - you can post offers and requests, record exchanges, and contact other members. There's a couple of things that are a bit different e.g. offers and requests don't require 'titles' anymore. I suggest that your first sentence is a clear tiltle that you create and then go on to provide a more full description. If you need help figuring anything out, just ask.

The Time and Talents software is still being developed so it will become easier to get around the site

I'm happy to hold a group session for any members who would like to have an in-person walk through of Time and Talents. Let me know if you'd be interested in coming along and I'll set something up.

Please get in touch with me if you have any questions about anything at all. timebank@whaingaroa.org.nz Tania